Thursday, July 24, 2008

No Dynamite!

It was too quiet this morning. No waking up to the blast of dynamite. What a strange morning. I think this is the first time in my lifetime that our little town hasn't been woken up on the morning of July 24 by the booming. What is this world coming to? No parade, no celebration. It is sad. There is a picnic at the stake center this evening, so there will be a celebration of the pioneers, but how sad that our valley isn't honoring our pioneer past. I wonder if Willie will fly past, just as a tradition?

I always enjoyed the July 24th celebrations here in town. I have wonderful memories of the little parade when I was a child, the program at the church with kids singing pioneer songs, the relays and games at the park. I even remember the games at the "old" rodeo ground right in our backyard. Yes, there was a rodeo area where the tennis court, road, and lawn is now. So much has changed. We had pillow fights, rope ladders to climb, just a lot of fun. Today, nothing.

One year I was in Washington, D.C. on the 24th of July. I was there for the Invent America competition with my third grade student (who won first prize!). We were visiting the Congressional offices of our congressmen and senators. I don't remember exactly who we were visiting, but the people there were getting ready for their own Pioneer Day parade. They decorated up the office chairs with streamers and flags and proceeded to push the chairs up and down the hallways, waving to everyone on the parade route. It was fun to see them remembering a Utah tradition. I think even the Wyoming, Arizona, and Idaho people joined them. That was a celebration I will never forget because it was so far away.

I am spending the day working on my talk for church on Sunday. Just trying to get my thoughts organized in a logical way. I have been asked to talk about "faith." Not like we haven't had a trial of our faith the past few years. As I look back now, I can see how my faith in Christ has grown or deepened, but it is sure hard to see it as we face those trials.

Looking forward to seeing most of my grandchildren tomorrow. Can you send Tyler up here for the day to join us?


Tammy said...

That is too bad that they don't have anything. I couldn't imagine a 24th of July with nothing to do. I wanted our t.v. hooked up so that we could watch the parade on t.v. (I didn't dare go down there by myself with Koy!) but the t.v. won't be hooked up until tomorrow. But we did go to the movies, and will watch fireworks tonight either in the parking lot, or try to see the one from Liberty Park.

Little Miss Lexi said...

Hi grandma it is lexi I just wanted to tell you I love you. And wanted to know what your school blog name. I love you and tell my friends I said hi. THEY ARE GREAT AND I MISS THEM. Show them this post on your blog. I miss all of you guys and tell schaly we said hi.