Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Oh, No, It Has Happened Again!

I have contracted the "genealogy" bug again this week. Darn it! It's that OCD thing that keeps coming up. I can spend hours on the computer searching the genealogy lines. Yesterday I found pictures of many Labrum family members back several generations. Why do I get this urge so often? It can really disrupt life. I just pray that my husband knows it is for HIM I am doing this. Someone needs to find his ancestors! And since my family goes to the Scandinavian countries it is almost impossible for me to trace them with my limited knowledge. So England looks like a great place to search. My husband's family has many lines that are in the New Colonies from the very beginning, but eventually go across the "big pond." At least the names don't change to "son" or "sen" at all. Maybe if I work really hard I can get the bug out in just a few days. I am sure it will be replaced by something else to keep me busy. Not like I don't have lots to do! Oh, well. It could be something worse!


nancy said...

what I want to know is why Cassidy looks like me and we are not even first cousins? Where did we get OUR look?

Tammy said...

Come and check out Lexi's blog at